How to Use ChatGPT for sales

Maxwell Timothy

Maxwell Timothy

on Jul 15, 2024

14 min read

Just a few years back, talking to an AI chatbot that could hold meaningful conversations for long, and understood human context seemed like something out of a movie. But look where we are now!

AI chatbots like ChatGPT can understand context, have real conversations, and even toss in odd jokes from time to time. They're proving useful for all sorts of tasks, from coming up with sales strategies to crafting content that helps businesses meet their sales goals.

Companies big and small are rapidly embracing ChatGPT as a tool to freshen up their sales approach and reel in more customers. With ChatGPT, it’s like having a sales helper that's always available, quick with answers, and good at providing you with insights on how to achieve your sales goals.

But how exactly can you use ChatGPT for sales?

How can you benefit from using it in sales?

If you have ChatGPT working for your business, it can actively help you make more sales. Here’s how:

1. Customer Follow-ups

In sales, following up with leads and prospects is crucial, but it can be a real time sink. This is where ChatGPT comes in handy, helping streamline your follow-up process and keep your sales pipeline moving.

By using ChatGPT, you can quickly generate personalized follow-up messages that nurture leads, address objections, and move prospects closer to a sale. This allows you to maintain consistent communication without getting bogged down in writing individual emails.

For instance, you could prompt ChatGPT with:

"Draft a follow-up email for a prospect who showed interest in our premium package but had concerns about the price. Highlight our flexible payment options and ROI."


"Create a template for a check-in message to send to leads who went quiet after our initial sales call. Include a gentle reminder of our unique selling points."

These prompts can help you craft targeted, persuasive follow-ups that keep your sales conversations going. You can then tweak the AI-generated content to perfectly match your sales style and the specific needs of each prospect.

2. Product demos

Let's say you’ve got this awesome product, and you want to show it off to the world; ChatGPT can create engaging scripts for your demos, and all you have to do is tell it what your product does, and it'll make a clear, step-by-step script for you.

1. A well-structured demo can significantly impact potential customers' understanding and interest. ChatGPT can help create detailed, engaging scripts that highlight your product's key features, benefits, and how it addresses your target audience's pain points.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Develop a comprehensive script for a product demo of [Product Name]. Include the following elements:

  1. An engaging introduction
  2. Overview of main features and benefits
  3. Step-by-step walkthrough of key functionalities
  4. Explanation of how it solves [Target Audience]'s specific pain points
  5. A compelling conclusion with a call-to-action

Use the product information and target audience data provided below to tailor the script:" [Paste product information and target audience data here]

2. ChatGPT can help create clear, concise scripts for your video tutorials, ensuring your customers get the most out of your product and are committed to becoming customers.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Write a script for a 5-minute video tutorial on how to use [Product]. Include step-by-step instructions, highlight common mistakes to avoid, and incorporate the key benefits listed below:" [Paste product use guidelines and key benefits here]

3. ChatGPT can help create balanced, informative scripts that highlight your product's unique advantages over your competition.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Develop a script for a product comparison demo between [Your Product] and [Competitor's Product]. Highlight our unique features and benefits, address potential objections, and provide a fair comparison. Use the competitive analysis data provided below:" [Paste competitive analysis data here]

3. Personalized sales pitches

Customers like to feel seen, and they want to believe that you care not just about their money but also about their needs as well.

To help with this, you can provide ChatGPT with a brief of your target market, and ask the chatbot to help with personalizing sales pitch to each market segment. ChatGPT can help you craft a pitch that speaks directly to their needs.

One size fits all templates are a little bit boring and uninspiring but ChatGPT can throw in personalized touches, and even address likely pain points of your target segment in a way that makes your sales pitch more likely to convert. It’ll be like you’ve done hours of homework, but in a fraction of the time.

Some ChatGPT prompts for sales to personalize your sales pitch:

1. Tailoring your pitch to each prospect's unique needs can significantly increase your chances of success. ChatGPT can help you craft personalized sales pitches that resonate with your target clients, saving you time while improving your conversion rates.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Create a personalized sales pitch for [Client's Company Name], focusing on their need for [specific service/product]. Use the company data provided below to tailor the pitch and address their unique challenges:" [Paste company data here]

2. Personalized email marketing campaigns can significantly boost open rates and engagement. ChatGPT can help you craft tailored email sequences that speak directly to different segments of your audience.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Design a 3-email sequence for [Target Audience Segment], promoting our [Product/Service]. Focus on addressing their main pain points and how our solution can help. Use the audience data below to personalize the content:" [Paste audience data here]

3. ChatGPT can assist in developing a cohesive content script that resonates with your target audience across each social media platform.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Develop a week-long social media content plan for [Brand Name] across [Platform 1], [Platform 2], and [Platform 3]. Focus on our [Product/Service Launch] and incorporate our brand voice described below:" [Paste brand voice guidelines here]

4. ChatGPT can help optimize your product descriptions to highlight key features and benefits in a way that appeals to specific audiences or people.

ChatGPT Prompt: "Rewrite the product description for [Product Name], emphasizing its unique selling points and benefits for our target audience [Target Audience]. Use the current description and audience data provided below as a reference:" [Paste current description and audience data here]

What ChatGPT Can't Do in Sales (And How to Fix It)

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool for sales teams, it's important to understand its limitations. Here are some key areas where ChatGPT falls short in its current form, and how these challenges can be addressed:

1. Limited Knowledge of Specific Business Data

ChatGPT lacks access to real-time, company-specific information. It can't provide insights based on your latest sales figures, customer data, or product updates unless you explicitly provide this information in your prompt. This means it can't automatically tailor its responses to your unique business context without additional input.

But what if there was a way to give ChatGPT in-depth knowledge about your specific business? This is where Chatbase comes in.

With Chatbase, you can train ChatGPT on your specific business data, giving it comprehensive knowledge about your company, products, and customers. This allows for more accurate and personalized responses, making your AI sales assistant truly an expert on your business.

2. Can not Execute Sales Actions

ChatGPT is primarily a text generation tool. It can't actually perform sales actions like making phone calls, sending emails, or updating your CRM. While it can help draft scripts or email templates, the actual execution of these tasks still requires human intervention.

Is there a way to make ChatGPT more actionable in your sales process? Absolutely. Chatbase allows you to embed trained ChatGPT models on your website, app, or Slack, enabling real-time interaction with customers.

Instead of just drafting responses, your AI can engage with prospects, answer questions, and guide them through the sales funnel automatically, executing your sales strategies in real-time.

3. Lack of Real-Time Market Insights

The AI's knowledge cutoff means it doesn't have access to the most current market trends, competitor actions, or industry developments. This limitation can impact the relevance of its sales strategies or competitive analysis in rapidly changing markets.

How can you keep your AI assistant up-to-date with the latest market information? With Chatbase, you can regularly update your AI's knowledge base with the latest market insights, competitor information, and industry trends.

This ensures that your AI sales assistant always has access to the most current and relevant information, providing up-to-date advice and strategies.

4. No Direct Integration with Sales Tools

ChatGPT can't directly interface with your existing sales software ecosystem. It can't pull data from or push information to your CRM, sales analytics tools, or other platforms you use in your sales process.

Is there a workaround to integrate ChatGPT with your existing sales tools? Indeed there is. Chatbase can be integrated with your existing sales tools through platforms like Zapier and Make.

This allows your ChatGPT tool to interact with your CRM, email marketing platforms, and other sales software. You can automate tasks like updating customer records, sending follow-up emails, and even drafting sales documents, seamlessly incorporating AI into your existing sales workflow.

5. Inability to Directly Engage Customers for Upselling and Cross-selling

ChatGPT, in its raw form, isn't directly accessible to your customers on your website or other platforms. This means it can't engage in real-time conversations to suggest higher-tier products or complementary items during a customer's shopping journey.

But what if you could bring ChatGPT's capabilities directly to your customers? This is where Chatbase comes in. Well, since you can embed a trained ChatGPT model right on your website or app, when a customer is browsing a basic laptop, your AI can chime in with, "Hey, did you know for just a bit more, you can get double the storage and a faster processor with this model?"

It can even cross-sell by suggesting, "You might also like this cool laptop bag to keep your new purchase safe." By making ChatGPT accessible to your customers, you're creating opportunities for ChatGPT-driven upselling and cross-selling that simply weren't possible before.

6. Lack of Lead Generation and Nurturing Capabilities

While ChatGPT can engage in conversations, in its standard form, it has no way to interact with your website visitors, capture their information, or follow up with them. This means missed opportunities for lead generation and nurturing.

So, how can we turn ChatGPT into a lead-generating machine? Again, Chatbase provides the solution. By embedding your trained ChatGPT model on your website, it can spring into action the moment someone lands on your page. It can answer questions, provide product info, and guide visitors through your site.

But it doesn't stop there. Your Chatbase-powered AI can gather crucial details like names, emails, and product interests. It can even qualify leads by asking the right questions to determine if a lead is hot, warm, or cold. And the best part? It can initiate follow-ups with personalized emails or messages, keeping the conversation going with potential customers who aren't quite ready to buy. This transforms ChatGPT from a passive tool into an active part of your sales funnel, capturing and nurturing leads 24/7.

By addressing these limitations, you can truly harness the power of ChatGPT for your sales processes. Tools like Chatbase transform ChatGPT from a general-purpose AI into a specialized, integrated sales tool that knows your business inside and out, can engage with customers in real-time, stays updated with the latest information, and works harmoniously with your existing sales tech stack. This approach not only overcomes the current limitations of ChatGPT but also opens up new possibilities for using ChatGPT for sales tasks.

Curious about what a customized ChatGPT could do for your sales? Try Chatbase for free right now!

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